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お茶旅 in 山の畑


[Invoice already supported]

We will clearly indicate the business registration number on the receipt. To issue a receipt, please go to "Purchase History" → "Order Details" → "Receipt/Invoice" after purchasing the product.

[Notice of charge for changing address after shipping]

Due to a change in Yamato Transport's terms and conditions, changing the delivery address after shipping is now subject to a fee. In that case, Yamato Transport will collect the transfer fee from the recipient. Especially when sending a gift, this may cause a great deal of inconvenience to the recipient. Please double check that the delivery address is correct before placing your order.
  • 食べるお茶「ラペソー」って何!?調理編





  • お茶旅®通信Vol1 

    Tea Travel News Vol1

    When I look back at the casual scenes of everyday life, I feel somehow calm. As the days pass by at a dizzying pace, we want to cherish such small...


    Tea Travel News Vol1

    When I look back at the casual scenes of everyday life, I feel somehow calm. As the days pass by at a dizzying pace, we want to cherish such small...

  • お茶旅通信 ~お茶の意外な健康効果~

    お茶旅通信 ~お茶の意外な健康効果~

    お茶は体にいいとされていますが、実際にどんな効能があるのかご存じでしょうか? 実はお茶って抗がん作用まで期待されるほどの健康成分の持ち主なんです!

    お茶旅通信 ~お茶の意外な健康効果~

    お茶は体にいいとされていますが、実際にどんな効能があるのかご存じでしょうか? 実はお茶って抗がん作用まで期待されるほどの健康成分の持ち主なんです!

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